
The HDAC9 risk locus controls inflammasome activation in atherosclerosis
Aβ promotes tau spreading by eliciting neuronal hyperconnectivity
Novel strategy for biomarker-based amyloid diagnostics in clinical settings
Martin Dichgans among "Highly Cited Researchers 2024"

ERC Starting Grant 2024 for Anna-Sophia Wahl and her team

DNA-sensing inflammasomes cause recurrent atherosclerotic stroke

Innate immune memory after stroke mediates secondary comorbidities.

Rational correction of disease-causing mutations in HTRA1
ISD Research Retreat
July 2024 – ISD research teams gathered for the annual scientific retreat to present their projects and discuss science. The meeting included presentations from Ph.D. students, an evening poster session, invited speaker talks, and a three minute thesis competition. The meeting further served as an opportunity to familiarize people with the medium- and long-term strategy of ISD.
International Review by the ISD Scientific Advisory Board
June 2024 – Every two years, an international committee of scientific advisors evaluates ISD's research activities and makes recommendations for future direction. The first day of the meeting was dedicated to an in-depth review of three selected research groups. The second day featured an overview of research highlights presented through a series of presentations and poster sessions led by Postdoctoral Fellows and PhD students.

Rare and common HTRA1 variants affect stroke risk via two independent mechanisms
30th Workshop of the International Stroke Genetics Consortium
Advanced Brain Science Without Coding Expertise
Dysregulation of vesicular transport pathways during BEC aging
March 2024 – A proteomic profiling study on brain endothelial cells (BEC) by ISD investigators reveals a dysregulation of key regulators of endocytosis and receptor recycling (most prominently Arf6), macropinocytosis, and lysosomal degradation during aging. The study identified changes undetected in transcriptomic studies such as an accumulation of vesicle cargo and receptor ligands including Apoe. | Data are accessible via an interactive database
Role of CXCL10 as a causal mediator in Atherosclerosis
Changes in synapses related to protein 43 (GAP-43) speed up the spread of tau in AD
January 2024 – A combined neuroimaging and biofluid biomarker study investigated whether synaptic changes are associated with accelerated tau spreading in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Higher levels of the presynaptic protein GAP-43 speed up the spread of tau in AD. These findings by Nico Franzmeier (ISD) and others are relevant for developing treatments to slow down the progression of the disease. >>
Influence by Imitation
Identifying optimal treatment windows for patients at risk of Alzheimer's
Martin Dichgans among „Highly Cited Researchers 2023”
2nd BRENDA-LEDUCQ Meeting, Munich, Germany

Frontline results of the TREAT-SVDs trial

wildDISCO: A Revolutionary Whole Mouse Body Mapping Technique
ISD Research Retreat
July 2023 – ISD research teams gathered for the annual scientific retreat to present their projects and discuss science. The meeting included presentations from Ph.D. students, an evening poster session, invited speaker talks, and focused workshops such as the one on AI by Hannah Spitzer. The meeting further served as an opportunity to familiarize people with the medium- and long-term strategy of ISD.